Chronology of the first humans (widescreen) (in English) - Nienhuis AMI
Chronology of the first humans (widescreen) (in English) - Nienhuis AMI
This timeline is based on the most recent research and describes the development of man from the first Australopithecines to the current Homonids, using real photographs. Updated to show current research describing our possible common ancestor with Neanderthalensis, this timeline also shows climatic, continental changes and the development of tool technology.
Since the official announcement of Homo naledi took place in September, the 2015 edition now indicates the estimated place of this new species in the human family tree. Although the discovery took place in 2013, we have postponed an update representing this information until the official announcement and acceptance of the facts by the scientific community.
We recommend using the Human Migration Patterns charts (ELC-5079) to show the dynamics of what drives humans to migrate and explain the forces behind the rise and fall of human populations. Photos courtesy of Skulls Unlimited Inc.
Dimensions: Full size: 18 x 9.5 feet. Small size: 9 in x 44"
This timeline is now available as an interactive timeline.
Age: 3-6 and 6-12 years old
Class area: Discovery of the world
Reference: TL026
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