Un enfant entre 3 et 5 ans poserait en moyenne 437 questions par jour !

A child between 3 and 5 years old would ask an average of 437 questions per day!

According to the magazine “ Parents ”, a child between 3 and 5 years old would ask an average of 437 questions per day . If we cannot verify the research method, it is nevertheless undeniable that at this age, children systematically ask us questions of all kinds about the world around us.

These questions, which begin with "why", can sometimes be confusing:

“Why does the wind make the leaves move? »

Although the questions can be tiring when they follow one another invariably, it is important to always answer the child's questions. If you think he already knows the answer, you can ask him to try to find the answer on his own to encourage his independence.

Congratulate him if he finds it and help him if his memory is struggling to come back. If not, answer his question honestly.

Montessori pedagogy emphasizes the importance of transmitting a good perception of reality to the child. It is obviously advisable to adapt the answer to the age of the child. Finally, if you don't know the answer, don't hesitate to admit it and look for the answer together.


- https://naitreetgrandir.com/fr/etape/3-5-ans/developpement/fiche.aspx?doc=age-pourquoi
- Montessori: from birth to 3 years old, Charlotte Poussin, Eyrolles.

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