Une expérience à faire avec ses enfants : de la pluie en bocal

An experiment to do with your children: rain in a jar

This easy-to-perform science experiment is perfect for children between 3 and 6 years old, although there is no age limit for discovering and having fun!

This little experiment only requires:
- a transparent container,
- some water,
- shaving cream

- blue food coloring (optional).

The activity :

1- Fill a large transparent cup with water about 3⁄4.

2- Above, make a cloud with shaving cream. Of course, you can ask the children if they want to perform these actions themselves in order to encourage their interest and that they can also use their little hands and work on their motor skills.

3- It is possible to add a few drops of blue food coloring (using a pipette) to add a bit of fantasy, but this is an optional step.

Comments and explanations:

You will notice, after one or two minutes, that a rain effect occurs inside the container.

This experience is the perfect time to explain the water cycle to the child.

1- Liquid water in the ground of the earth warms up thanks to the heat of the sun, then evaporates and turns into water vapour.

2- Then, the water vapor gains altitude, turns into droplets on contact with cold air and forms clouds in the sky.

3- Eventually, when the cloud can no longer hold any more water, it will fall back to earth as rain.

You can also talk to your child about the different kinds of clouds.

Did you know that a cumulus can weigh up to 400,000 kg?


- https://www.montessorinature.com/clouds/
- https://www.kidspot.com.au/things-to-do/activity-articles/rain-cloud-in-a-jar-science-experiment/news-story/15c6693d124b82a9b0a968efa4d76a03
- https://fr.wikimini.org/wiki/Cycle_de_l%27eau#:~:text=The%20cycle%20of%20l%27eau,also%20sometimes%20the%20hydrological%20cycle.

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