Activité : La jarre de gratitude

Activity: Jar of Gratitude

In Montessori pedagogy, gratitude is a key element of education for peace. Knowing how to express gratitude means strengthening the bonds between members of a community and developing empathy for others. The gratitude jar is simply a jar and a lid, preferably pretty.

Material :

- A jar and its lid
- Paper
- Pens
- A ribbon

Progress of the activity:

1) In order to make a pretty jar, you can invite your child to wrap the ribbon around the jar. Maria Montessori wrote that objects should be sturdy and attractive to the child's eyes, because “beauty invites activity and work”.

2) Get a pen and write on a piece of paper something you are grateful for. If your child can write, invite him to do the same. "I feel gratitude towards the sun which brightens our days and warms us", "I feel gratitude towards dad who had a good meal this afternoon",...

4) Ask your child to open the jar, put the papers in it and close it.

5) Together choose a place to display the jar. Ask your child to put away the markers and the rest of the material.

Extension :

5) Days, weeks or months later, you can review the notes together. More than a reading exercise, you will remember the good memories.

6) Add papers as the year progresses.

Qualities developed:
Gratitude – empathy – vocabulary – communication – writing – reading

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